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Color transparency after the NE18 and E665 experiments: Outllok and perspectives at CEBAF

机译:NE18和E665实验后的颜色透明度:Outllok和   CEBaF的观点



CEBAF is a high-luminocity factory of virtual photons with variablevirtuality $Q^{2}$ and transverse size. This makes CEBAF, in particular afterthe energy upgrade to (8-12)GeV, an ideal facility for uncovering newphenomena, and opening new windows, at the interface of the perturbative andnonperturbative QCD. We discuss color transparency as the case for a broadprogram on electroproduction of vector mesons$\rho^{0},\,\omega^{0},\,\phi^{0}$ and their radial excitations$\rho',\,\omega',\,\phi'$ at CEBAF. We also comment on the second generation ofexperiments on color transparency in $^{4}He(e,e'p)$ scattering, which are alsofeasible at CEBAF. In 1994, we can make more reliable projections into futurebecause our understanding of the onset of color transparency has greatly beenaugmented by two experiments completed in 1993:\\ i) no effect of CT was seenin the SLAC NE18 experiment on $A(e,e'p)$ scattering at virtualities of theexchanged photon $Q^{2} \lsim 7$ GeV$^{2}$, \\ ii) strong signal of CT wasobserved in the FNAL E665 experiment on exclusive $\rho^{0}$- meson productionin deep inelastic scattering in the same range of $Q^{2}$. \\ We discuss theimpact of these observations on the CEBAF experimental program. We argue theyboth are good news, both were anticipated theoretically, and both rule in thecorrect QCD mechanism of the onset of CT.
机译:CEBAF是虚拟光子的高发光度工厂,具有可变的虚拟度$ Q ^ {2} $和横向尺寸。这使得CEBAF尤其是在将能量升级到(8-12)GeV之后,成为在扰动和非扰动QCD界面发现新现象并打开新窗口的理想设备。我们讨论颜色透明性,以作为矢量介子$ \ rho ^ {0},\,\ omega ^ {0},\,\ phi ^ {0} $及其径向激励$ \ rho', CEBAF上的\,\ omega',\,\ phi'$。我们还评论了第二代关于$ ^ {4} He(e,e'p)$散射的颜色透明度的实验,这在CEBAF上也是可行的。 1994年,我们可以对未来做出更可靠的预测,因为1993年完成的两个实验大大增强了我们对颜色透明性的认识:\\ i)SLAC NE18实验对$ A(e,e 'p)$在交换的光子$ Q ^ {2}的虚拟度上的散射,\ lsim 7 $ GeV $ ^ {2} $,\\ ii)在FNAL E665实验中,在唯一的$ \ rho ^ {0上观察到了很强的CT信号} $-介子在深度非弹性散射中在相同的$ Q ^ {2} $范围内产生。我们讨论了这些观察结果对CEBAF实验程序的影响。我们认为它们都是好消息,两者都是理论上预期的结果,并且都取决于CT发作的正确QCD机制。



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